6.01 Additional methods for adding resistors.

The product over sum rule.

The product over sum rule can be used as an alternative way, of finding the total resistance of two resistors connected in parallel.

two resistors in parallel

proof of product over sum rule.

Therefore to add two resistors in parallel, we first multiply both resistor values together, then divide by the sum of the resistor values. Note R2 x R1 is the same as R1 x R2 and so the product over sum rule is usually written as:


Resistors of equal value connected in parallel.

If you have resistors of equal value connected in parallel, then to find the total resistance, you simply divide the individual resistor value by the number of resistors. i.e.

In general, if you have "n" resistors of equal value "R, connected in parallel.

RT = R/n .

Resistors of equal value connected in series.

If you have "n" resistors of equal value "R, connected in series.

RT = n x R .