1.06 Ohm's Law.

Ohm's law states, that the current through a resistor, is directly proportional to the voltage across it. The ratio of the voltage across a component, to the current flowing through it, is defined as resistance.

R = V/I.


ohm's law

Resistance restricts the flow of current through a component and converts the electrical energy to heat. Ohm's law can be used to determine current, voltage or resistance in a circuit, if two of the three quantities are already known.

Ohm's law allows us to calculate the current that will flow in a circuit, if we know the voltage that is being applied and the total resistance of the circuit.
A 12V power supply is connected to a cct. It the cct's resistance is 5 Ohms, how much current will flow through the cct?

R = V/I,      Therefore I = V/R,    =    12/5, = 2.4A